About us

Mission Statement

The Trainers Schools is entrusted to educate and groom the children physically, mentally and morally with a particular emphasis on life skills. Here at The Trainers Schools we deal Pre-Primary Education as preparation for Whole Life Primary Education for mental development and making good habits and Secondary Education for career building and character building.

From very first day of your son or daughter at The Trainers Schools we aim to create an atmosphere in which they are keen to learn and eager to progress. The pur- pose-built classrooms provide a gentle introduction to the The Trainers Schools, and in the upper years new tasks bring new levels of expectations.
Personal attention from committed teachers identifies the abilities of each pupil, and encourages them to make full use of those abilities. New technologies give the pupils new opportunities for discovery, while retaining a base in traditional learning.

Do you Share Our Vision

While this prospectus talks about The Trainers School, our activities and curriculum, really it is talking about you as a parent or as a pupil about your hopes and dreams for the future. At the The Trainers School, we seek to nurture and develop your child’s potential, creativity & intelligence, expand their horizons and provide a foundation they can build on throughout their life. And at the The Trainers School, we aim to fully prepare your child for the progression through their later school years. We hope that our ambitions match your own hopes for your child’s future, and we invite you to write, telephone or e-mail to arrange an appointment to meet the teachers and supporting staff who work together to make the The Trainers School what it is today.

Rules And Regulations



Students who will damage property of the school, shall pay for that damage. Students shall subject to suspension for willful destruction of school property. Scribbling on desks, walls and spilling ink irresponsibly on the walls and floor justify dismissal and no character certificate will be issued.



The school authorities have a right to suspend any student who is found to be stealing, cheating, and behaving disrespectfully in school premesis.



Pupils are responsible for the apparatus being used by them in the laboratory. Any apparatus found missing or broken after the practical will be the sole responsibility of the class or pupils and will pay the replacement cost of the apparatus.



No student will be permitted to leave the school premises before the completion of the School Day. Parents wishing to take the child home early owing to some emergency will have to report in person, to the Co-ordinator/In-Charge and obtain a gate pass. No child will be permitted to leave with any unauthorised person



Only students of Class KG – II to IV will have their Daily Lessons put on the blackboard and signed by the teacher. Students of all other classes are taught and expected to maintain their own lesson diary, checked by the parent on daily basis, in order to assist the child in the preparation for a test or completion of any homework.



A student may be excused for personal illness, or death in the family, quarantine, medical A student may bintments impassable roads and any other esence, no retestter written by the parent is required. In case of not informing regarding absence, no retest or other work will be acceptable.On a previous written application by their parents or guardians, only 75% attendance is necessary, otherwise student will not be allowed to sit in examination or any assessment.